This reminds me of Three Wolf Moon for obvious reasons.
This reminds me of Three Wolf Moon for obvious reasons.
Thanks :)
This has to be the best Spyro I've ever seen. I love how you made him seem more realistic than he really is. The shading is excellent as well.
Thanks ^_^ !!!
I was just playing Monster Hunter Freedom U. This creature reminds me of the bull-demon-things from Doom. You know, those big ugly pink guys that would rush at you.
Haha yeah, I used to play that a ton all the time until my PSP broke. Hah thanks =D
You must be the first person to have seen this
It never occurred to me until now.
Feels good man.
I think Newgrounds is a pretty cool guy
Eh promotes itself with controllers and doesn't afraid of anything.
I could go for an Angry Faic themed gameboy. Feelsgoodman.
an old school new grounds game boy would look sick.
Creepers and all of the rest of minecraft are creepy as hell. I like your interpretation of the creeper, though.
Nonsense, his favorite character is obviously Thrax. I mean, that guy in the picture doesn't even resemble a pill. Look at those sweet dreads on him.
Joined on 10/23/10